Phases of Building Construction & Establishing Milestones
Phases of Building Construction
The project manager will prepare the budget of the project by considering the estimated costs. This includes the costs of equipment, material, and manpower. All the things planned in this stage must be documented in detail so that they can be reviewed repeatedly throughout its execution.
A standard building construction project can be divided mainly into five phases. These phases of building construction include initiation (the start from initially buying and preparing the land), planning the layout of the building, execution of the plan, monitoring and performing and the completion of the project. These phases are explained further in detail below so that you are able to complete each phase of your project successfully.
Establishing Milestones
A milestone is a marker in a project that signifies a change or stage in development. Milestones are powerful components in project management because they show key events and map forward movement in your project plan. Milestones act as signposts through the course of your project, helping ensure you stay on track.
When starting a building construction project, you will have to determine its feasibility by evaluating its pros and cons.
.01 Initiation Phase
When starting a building construction project, you will have to determine its feasibility by evaluating its pros and cons. In this phase, you will have to consider the objective of your project as it can be an opportunity or a problem for you as a builder. All the various options and solutions on how to build your project must be considered prior to taking the next steps.
Once the ideas are set, it is time to begin implementing these into a plan. During this stage, a manager to monitor and control this project must be appointed, the work groups participating, and the supplies required for completing the project are needed. The project manager then must develop a team to move on to the next phase of planning.
.02 Planning Phase
In this phase, the project must be developed in detail to meet its objectives. The project manager’s team will define the work that needs to be done in order to start construction by identifying the resources and strategies to obtain supplies. An outline of the construction plan along with its timeframe and other activities must be created in this phase for its execution.
.03 Execution Phase
This phase is also known as the implementation phase since this phase of the project is practically put into performance mode. At each stage of implementation, it is necessary to communicate with the project manager’s team to control its expenses. The heads of all the teams executing the plan will submit their progress report to the project manager so that he can make the necessary adjustments.
.04 Monitoring Phase
In this phase, the performance and progress of the entire project is measured to ensure that the project is running as per the schedule. All the finishing works including woodwork, metalwork, and painting, etc. are also monitored at this stage.
.05 Completion Phase
The completion phase is when the project manager has to finalize many things including: stopping the supplies, checking the final touches including planting and landscaping as well as cleaning the surroundings and do final inspection of the project before handing over the building to its owners.